Zetty Ozleen Binti Othman

In this section, we speak to Zetty Ozleen on her ideal job candidate. Let's see what she has to say!
Zetty Ozleen Binti Othman
Associate Director, Talent Management & Culture


KPMG in Malaysia


Associate Director, Talent Management & Culture


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Business Management, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Has been with the company for

2 years and 11 months (as of October 2021)

How has the covid pandemic affected your graduate recruitment efforts?

When the pandemic first hit, one thing was certain – everything from interviews to career fairs had to be done virtually. 

While virtual engagements meant we were not able to encapsulate fully the candidates’ personalities, we took this as a golden opportunity to extend our social reach and enhance our online presence to engage more regularly with prospective talents. 

As a result, we are now more active than ever on Instagram and LinkedIn. So do look us up!

How would you advise a candidate to make a good impression during a virtual interview?

When it comes to virtual interviews, always remember the 3Ps: 1. Punctuality; Presentation; and Personality. 

First, being punctual allows you to ease into the setting, especially in terms of ensuring your Wi-Fi connection is stable and adjusting the webcam position to an appropriate angle. 

Second, having good presentation means making sure everything from your outfit, posture, and background all look appealing. 

Last but not least, personality means to be yourself. After all, the interview is all about getting to know you!

What is the one skill (or quality) you think is more important for fresh grads to have now compared to pre-pandemic times?

As they say, the only constant is change. Therefore, it is crucial for students nowadays to be adaptive. This will allow you to demonstrate your ability to persevere through hardships while displaying excellent problem-solving skills. It will save you a lot of time to complete tasks with composure rather than using the time to be worried as and when a new challenge presents itself.

How would you recommend students increase their chances of landing a job in our tough times?

Students are encouraged to perform extensive research on the job and company they are interested in. Show potential employers that you are making effort to better fit into the role rather than just ticking the minimum requirements. 

Believe it or not, staying updated with the company that you are interested in by joining their student engagement activities may also boost your chances of landing a job!

How feasible and/or effective are non-face-to-face internships? How has your organisation prepared for this?

Non-face-to-face internships will never stack up against in-person internships. But as what we have always done and always will do at KPMG is that we adapt. 

With the advent of the “New Normal,” we have invested heavily in our IT systems to ensure internship experiences with us remain immersive. With seniors and colleagues being just a message away, it has been seamless for our interns to initiate discussions, make inquiries, and seek assistance.